
One Percent for the Planet logo


How You Can Help

One Environment.
One Simple Way to Care
for It.

Where we live, there is really only one tree, one ocean, one mountain, one sky – one environment we all share and pass on to our children. A gift to EarthShare California is one simple way to care for it all. Across California, our communities depend upon the good health of our land, water, air, and wildlife. Each time you step outside to go to work, spend time at a park or beach, or visit an untouched wilderness, you are enjoying the bounty of our state. Here, perhaps more than anywhere else, the environment is close to our lives. Everywhere it is essential to our health and that of our families.


Thank you for supporting EarthShare California.

Your contribution keeps EarthShare California working on behalf more than 80 environmental organizations serving California and beyond. We help ensure a broad base of support to preserve and protect the environment and all its inhabitants.

There are several ways you can support us and the environmental groups we represent.

Donate Online : Use our secure electronic transaction system to donate online using your credit card.

Donate by Mail : Print our donation form from your computer, fill it out, and mail it to us along with your contribution.

Buying or Selling Real Estate? Real estate transactions can generate big donations for EarthShare CA at zero cost to you. Visit My Broker Donates to learn more.